Forced Femme domination phone sex

I have had a large demand for forced feminization. It seems like a popular fantasy nowadays, which pleases me greatly.

What a lot of the guys who call me for this don’t realize is that they will actually be making themselves up during the call. So if this is your thing, I hope you’ve got all the necessary materials. Panties, a dress, makeup, even a bra to stuff, and preferably a wig (but those can be a little harder to lay hands on).

I will instruct you to put the panties on and then the bra. Then, you’ll have to get the toilet paper to stuff your bra. This is followed by the dress, and then you’ll add the make up. Sometimes, I’ll have you take a before and after photo and send it to my email account. You’d be surprised how many ugly men make the cutest girls!


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