Pain and torture phone sex with pain mistress Glory
Wednesday April 18th 2012, 7:31 pm
Filed under: domination phonesex

Pain and torture is what my sadistic bitch domme persona likes to inflict. That means I get off on role playing with my pain sluts. I’ve had one pain slut who has been heavily into the bdsm scene for quite awhile. He’s been to all the munches and play parties, and he still finds bdsm phone sex to be HOT! He said it’s because in a phone fantasy role play, you can do various things that you can’t in real life. This might be due to lack of equipment, lack of the right partner, lack of willing partners, physical limitations, etc.

He loves calling me for pain and torture phone sex because of my bitchy and sadistic domination. I don’t let him get away with anything, and I keep on pushing him and torturing him. He can’t refuse me during phone, so in his mind, he can push beyond his physical limitations, more so than he can in real time. He explains that when he can push the envelope like this on the phone, it helps him when he next plays with a partner in real time. Since he’s seen himself go farther with me, he often can go farther with a partner. Now how cool is that! So many people who do real time bdsm scoff at phone. If they only knew it’d help them be a better sub!

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