cheap phone sex with a huge tittied dominate phone sex chick
Wednesday May 09th 2012, 11:17 pm
Filed under: phonesex

What’s up fuckers?
So I had a experience the other night I wanted to write about. I thought it was a lot of fun and super kinky to do with you submissive men! I love callers who enjoy to be trampled and have their balls bashed or kicked in, but I was thinking the other day, it would be totally erotic to have a bdsm caller who enjoyed being smothered with huge titties like mine. Can you imagine? Taking a long rope, tying him up, he would be totally useless, like all men. I would then take my huge tits and smash them in his face, make him motor boat them and try to breathe while I suffocate him with my huge tits. Force him to suck them and lick them, then tease him by making him think I will jack him off with them, but then deny him and watch his face turn sour while his balls turn blue haha…I am so mean.

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