CBT phonesex and a little whore

Whats better than CBT phonesex, especially when it’s cheap phone sex? NOTHING! Theres nothing better than making a guy torture his cock and balls while I watch it on Cam. Damb idiot! Doing everything I tell him to do. I get a IM yesterday from cbt_bill on my AIM and he tells me about how he wants CBT and asks if I would be willing to do it while I watch it on his cam. I told him I would only take his call if he got items that I wanted him to use for CBT phone sex. I made him get tobasco sauce, thick string, needles, hot wax from a lite candle, and salt. He thanked me of course, like he should, and he got the requested items that I required. He called and turned on his cam from Yahoo. Lets just say…he bought 30 mins and only used 15..HAHA. By the end of our session he was begging me to allow him to put his dick in cold water because “It hurts so bad mistress!” I made him beg for a couple more minutes before I allowed him to leave, the entire time I was laughing my fucking ass off!! I humiliated him with humiliation phonesex and I CBT’d his stupid ass! HAHA….I got a message from him this morning saying, “Mistress, may I have a round 2”. I loved humiliating his ass and telling him that he was pathetic for even asking and how much of a whore he was. Infact I harassed and humiliated him for having a small cock and I told him that his pathetic ass should be worshiping me and thanking me for even watching him fuck that cock up on cam. However for round 2, I had a little trick up my sleeve, anyone hear of hot wax and salt on the asshole while a dildo is being shoved in it? Well now you have. Looking for a humiliation session, humiliation phonesex, or the best of CBT phonesex? Well you came to the right place fucker! Give me a call.

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