Slavery phone sex


Are you looking to be my slave? Good choice, for picking a fucking queen who knows the ultimate in pleasure, pain and slavery phone sex. First and foremost If you are my slave you have rules and they are as follows:

1. You never look your queen in the face unless given permission to
2. You call me Mistress or Queen
3. You take everything I give to you (kicks in the balls and what not) without complaint.
4. Whenever I degrade you, you WILL thank me
5. You worship the ground I walk on

If any of these rules are broken you will pay, and trust me you will pay dearly. The last slave that disobeyed me learned quickly that when you stick tobasco sauce inside your dick hole it fucking hurts! I will tie you up or even keep you in my dungeon pig pen with no chance of leaving because once you become my slave you are not allowed to leave. I will tease and taunt you, I will screw you over, I will take your fucking money, I will torture you, and If I feel like it I will play with you like my little toy twisting you until you snap.

Call me if you dare.

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