I’m Malin, the phone sex dominatrix, and your ass is mine!


I love taking a naughty boy and tying him up spread eagle and leaving him there. Pathetic, helpless, unfulfilled with his pathetic dick dangling oh so vulnerably. His balls in just in reach of my riding crop. Crack! Oh how he howls. He loves it. He loves that he has found himself in the position to be tormented by the supreme goddess that is I! HA! Sometimes I almost feel pity for my worthless slaves… but I know how much they beg and plead for me to drive them harder. They are broken, sad, pathetic… most of all… they are MINE!

I just love torturing tiny balls. I really don’t think any man should have them. They only make them miserable and horny. If you saw the tiny packages that come my way you’d feel the same, but I do not need to justify myself to you. When I am not beating some poor worm’s black and blue balls I got my thrills from more creative means. For example, tying up the piggy spread eagle and leaving a candle burning just above it’s shame so that as the candle burns down it leaves a small trail of hot wax starting from it’s belly and leading to the tippy-tip-tip of it’s little pig tail. Then there are the clothes pins… but I will save that for another time…

Slugs and Whippings,

Mistress Malin
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