Phone sex Domme, Malin, wants to tie you to the stake! 1.888.854.8836!!!


You have been judged, weighed, and deemed to be punished. You shall be sentence to public abuse while tied to the stake! You will remember this as the same stake from the Salem witch trials. After so many years of women being senselessly punished by being burned… it is now time for these punishments to be returned upon men… MEN LIKE YOU!!! Look at that pudgy belly! You would burn like a roman candle with that spare tire of fuel! But I digress. You shall not be burned… well not only burned. You must earn that sweet release!

First you shall be shaved. Every inch of your body shall be shorn until there is not even the lightest hair left on your worthless body. Then you will be flogged. I shall thrash upon your wicked body with my knout. YOU will weep, wail, and scream as the hooks tear at your soon to be roasting flesh. After I am finished thrashing you within an inch of your ever shortening life… I will flog your cock and balls until they are nearly left in shreds. I will proceed to excise what is left of your manhood with my dull scapel, more tearing than cutting away what is left. Placing those remnant in your mouth. Holding your mouth shut as I forced you chew and swallow your gender. I will slap your face to keep you awake as I place a candle between your legs to cauterize your wound. I do not want you bleeding to death before the finale. I stack brush and sticks around your feet and cover them in kerosene… and and with one crack on the whip I knock the candle onto the bundle lighting it ablaze as I snuff out your light.

Click here to start the fire!

snap, crackle, und pop!



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