Phonesex Mistress Malin enlightens you fucktards to the joy of Schadenfreude! 1.888.854.8836!!!


Schadenfreude… noun… from German, meaning: The act of taking pleasure in someone else’s misery. Such examples include Laughing at someone who falls, Watching Jackass(the show and/or movie), Mocking, jeering or teasing someone until they cry, Slapping your friend’s new tattoo and watching them cry. Obviously this word is the very reason I enjoy my work. My sunshine is your pain. Every wince, every whimper gets me wet. I love thinking of you in pain. I dream about your discomfort. Your only meaning is to suffer for me. You no idea the joy I get when you hurt yourself for me. When you mutilate yourself on the phone just for my enjoyment… I cum again and again… but I would never tell you. But now that you have read this… you know exactly what you are going to do…. you have no choice… You are going to find your favorite things to harm yourself with, you are going to pick up the phone, and you are going to dial 1.888.854.8836 and beg to talk to me. Now call before I decide not to let you.


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